Cicak Bin Kadal
Top 10 List of Week 02
Alif Saddid

Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. Who Am I
    I started this week by watching this movie: Who Am I, because i think it’s related to our topics (security and protection). You’ll see some hAcKIng (idk hehe) techniques in this movie such as phising, evil twin, and some social engineering.

  2. 9 Common Hacking Techniques
    This microblog gives you brief explanation about 9 common hacking techniques such as DDoS, Eavesdropping, Keylogging, etc. Remember, read this article only for knowledge purpose. Don’t do these techniques to your friend!

  3. Password Cracking
    This youtube video tells us how easy a password to be cracked. So keep in mind that your password must have at least 8 characters, contain lowercase, uppercase, special characters, and numerical characters.

  4. Most Common Password
    password, password1, 12345, abc, iforget, is that your password? This is a list of 10k most commonly used password in the world. Check it out to find out that your password is commonly used or not!

  5. Perbedaan SHA 1, SHA 2, SHA 256
    We have heard about SHA 1, SHA 2, and SHA 256 during our lecture, but what do they mean? SHA (Secure Hashing Algorithm) is hashing algorithm that usually used for digital signatures. There are also SHA-384 and SHA-512 as well that must be interesting to learn.

  6. Cryptography
    Cryptography, or the science of secret writing, is an ancient art. The first documented use of cryptography in writing dates back to circa 1900 B.C. when an Egyptian scribe used non-standard hieroglyphs in an inscription. In data and telecommunications, crypthography is necessary when communicating over any untrusted medium, which includes just about any network, particularly the internet. There are three types of cryptographic algorithms, Secret Key Cryptography (SKC), Public Key Cryptography (PKC), Hash Functions. The three types encryption techniques are optimized for some specific cryptographic application(s).

  7. Top 8 Strongest Data Encryption Algorithms in Cryptography
    There are a lot of encryption algorithms that can be used to secure information. This article explains us the top 8 strongest data encryption algorithm.

  8. Pointers in C Programming
    If you are confused about the concepts of pointer in C language, this article is good to read. It also explains the advantages & disadvantages of using pointers.

  9. Linux chmod command tutorial for beginners
    Ever had a problem with file permission and solved it with chmod, but didn’t understand about what you really do? This article explains us what is file permission, chmod, and how to use it properly.

  10. Inheritance Tanpa OOP
    This is a blog article created by one of Fasilkom UI alumnus, that tells us how to use Inheritance concept without OOP. Woah, how is that possible?

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